Coinbase has Blocked WikiLeaks: A Controversy has Kicked Off

Coinbase has blocked Wikileaks

Coinbase has blocked Wikileaks. The controversy broke out over the weekend, so what happened? Let’s dig in.

According to WikiLeaks, Coinbase suspended it from using Coinbase’s payments services. WikiLeaks tweeted out the message it received from Coinbase, which stated that some of WikiLeaks’ activities were “in violation of [Coinbase’s] Terms of Service.”

ANNOUNCE: Coinbase has blocked the official @WikiLeaks shop from its platform without notice or explanation. You can continue to donate #Bitcoin to WikiLeaks at #Coinbase #DefendWL #Cryptocurrency #Ethereum #BitcoinCash #ReconnectJulian

— WikiLeaks Shop (@WikiLeaksShop) April 21, 2018


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