The Rational Investor Presents Demographic Influences on Economic Trends

TokenMarket and Brian Beamish, The Rational Investor co-founder, have partnered up to present a special video presentation on Demographic Influences on Economic Trends and the Relation to Cryptocurrency. From traditional investment assets to crypto specific, the video identifies where we are in the current market cycle, and what possible outcomes we could see using the history of past cycles.

The presentation covers the concept of demographics in itself and how this affects the economy overall. It goes through a comparison to illustrate the differences between the current environment and past ones. This is in order to show the overall macro picture and why it is important on how this played out in history.

Following the general discussion, Brian Beamish dives into cryptocurrencies and the analysis on how The Rational Investor views the role of demographics and market cycles play in the overall picture. This is further developed by applying the influence analysis on the Blockchain and Crypto space to discuss possible outcomes in the future.

Watch the video presentation here

About The Rational Investor

Rational investing is the intersection of technical and fundamental analysis. TRI looks closely at the fundamentals (the story or financial data) behind a trade to make sure it agrees with what the technicals (charts) are suggesting should occur.

Brian Beamish is the hallmark trader at TRI with over 30 years of experience in professional market environments. Within the Canadian securities industry he held licenses to broker the following: stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities, and derivatives. He achieved the Fellow of Canadian Securities Institute (FCSI) designation in 2005 and in 2011 was asked to join a prop firm within the CME trading Crude Oil as a proprietary trader.

For more information about The Rational Investor visit their website

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